Non-Revenue Water. A waste of precious resources but also causes economic, ecological and humanitarian damage.

It is estimated that global Non-Revenue Water (NRW) losses amount to 35% of what we produce. This equates to more than 32 billion m³ annually due to leakage, overflows and poor operations.

A very grave situation given that a large percentage of the population still does not have access to water, and if it continues water scarcity will affect everyone and everything.

Non-Revenue Water is not only a waste of precious resources but also causes economic, ecological and humanitarian damage. This can all change with the FIDO ecosystem.

Find out more about the FIDO ecosystem TODAY and stop the losses TOMORROW.

The FIDO family.


At the heart of FIDO’s powerful leak detection solution is an AI algorithm that has been expertly tuned to recognise the auditory evidence of water leaks. With an accuracy rate of >92%, FIDO AI is the only technology that can decipher the size of leaks.

FIDO Sweep

Make the most out of FIDO’s game-changing AI with FIDO Sweep. There’s no need for existing loggers or sensors with Sweep – data is gathered via the simple-to-use FIDO Bugs. The information is then analysed by the super accurate FIDO AI.

FIDO Correlation

Right-first-time water leak location avoids dry digs, cuts run-time and reduces water loss faster. With Cloud Correlation, FIDO harnesses the power of cloud-computing to locate leaks exactly.

FIDO Relay

With new FIDO Relay, FIDO gives leak teams total control of FIDO AI from wherever they are. Eradicating the need for the lengthy, costly, skilled human intervention required to accurately find, size and locate leaks in real-time.